


  • a green trip

    smg's monumental 10-episode documentary series, a green trip, is a profound exploration of the human-nature relationship. three distinguished chinese actors venture forth on solitary expeditions to witness china's environmental preservation efforts in its mountains, oceans, virgin forests, farmlands, lakes, grasslands, deserts, and urban landscapes. supported by elite nature photographers and experts from the environmental industry, the production team captures extraordinary and inspiring moments, authentically narrating the touching stories of environmental champions on the frontlines. through the program's tangible impact, it drives urban civilization to ponder, discuss, and explore the realms of high-quality green development.

    2023-10-20 10:19

  • yao——chinese folktales

    a compilation of eight stories from chinese mythology. wildly imaginative and with a unique art style, this series tell the stories of "demons" from a chinese perspective.

    2023-10-16 15:02

  • three-body

    in 2007, there was an unusual disturbance in earth's basic science, and the scientific community was in a state of turmoil and fear. bizarrely suicidal scientists, near-miraculous countdowns, scientific boundaries acting in secrecy, and the mysterious and unpredictable game of "three bodies". nano-scientist wang miao (zhang luyi) is brought to the joint warfare centre by police officer shi qiang (yu hewei), who infiltrates the organisation known as science boundary to assist in the investigation. in the mist, wang miao comes into contact with an organisation called eto and discovers that the commander-in-chief is ye wenjie, the mother of yang dong, a scientist who committed suicide. as the eto and the combat centre continue to play back and forth, wang miao and shi qiang gradually determine that the world in the game "three bodies" really exists. and the origin of all the events is a desperate life-and-death competition between two civilisations for survival space. with the joint efforts of the joint warfare centre and the scientists, wang miao, shi qiang and the rest of the team are determined and hopeful, and they continue to prepare for the fight against the invading trisolaran in the future.

    2023-09-01 09:14

  • the last immortal

    the series tells the love story between yuan qi, the incompetent son of true god, and feng yin, the diligent and competent phoenix who went through a heartwrenching romance that started from their first meeting as youths to their partings throughout many incarnations.

    2023-10-18 13:00

  • rainbow chicks

    this is an animated series for preschoolers that primarily tells the stories of seven rainbow-colored chicks living on cloud island and their interesting growth experiences. the primary target audience of rainbow chicks is preschoolers, incorporating three main elements: "music guidance captivating stories".using the format of episodic drama, this program enlightens babies through innocent and simple stories, combined with plot music and child voice-overs,starting from the different personalities of the chicks. these stories are rooted in the everyday experiences of young children and inspired by their vibrant imaginations. through engaging and purposeful plot development,it conveys the concepts of friendship,sharing, and teamwork to the little ones.

    2023-10-16 14:52

  • changshan islands

    this documentary is china’s first panorama of islands that focuses on marine ecological civilisation. by grasping the transformation and changes of the changshan islands in recent years with rich pictures, details, and stories, the documentary presents to the audience stunning shots of the peaceful cohabitation of man and nature. the documentary changshan islands is composed of three episodes: pearls of the sea, farming the sea, and infinite sky and sea. in three different ways—from the perspectives of creatures, homes, and new life—it depicts the nature, the living, and the path to the future of the islands. in recent years, the changshan islands have gone through the biggest and most significant ecological changes in their whole history of development. therefore, the film, by documenting the quest and innovation of the changshan islands, serves as a window to preserve and present a significant chapter in the development of china’s marine ecological civilisation.

    2023-05-30 14:54

  • road to carbon neutrality

    2023-05-23 10:56

  • the land of spirits

    on the everlasting quest to explore the mysteries of nature, we have stepped onto extreme terrains and visited the creatures dwelling on those lands, in order to seek a way for humans, animals, and nature to live in harmony. this time, we are traveling to the four corners of china’s vast land. by visiting the four awe-inspiring creatures there, we try to communicate with mother nature through the messages they’ve relayed to us. the four magnificent creatures —— the siberian tiger, king of forests, the white dolphin, spirit of oceans, the asian elephant, giant in rainforests, and the wild yak, messenger from snow mountains, were once the totems in the primeval time sand dominant species at the top of the food chain. now they are known as “flagship” species and have been living with human beings as emissaries of nature, to help deliver nature’s messages in their own style. here on the land of spirits, those miraculous communications are happening.

    2023-05-22 09:00

  • the foolish old man who removed the mountains

    it is said that two mountains, taihang and wangwu, were connected together and created a blockage. they stood right in front of yugong's house. the old man and his family had to tramp over mountains and hills to get in and out, which was particularly inconvenient. so 90-year old yugong had a crazy idea: he and his family will move these mountains away. people thought he was old and insane!

    2023-10-30 16:17

  • future fantastic: china's science revolution你不了解的中国科学故事

    从改良农作物生产,以养活近80亿世界人口,到攻克人类疾病,建设可持续发展社会,中国正引领着科学前进的方向。从深海到外太空,中国行进在人类探索未知的前沿阵地。中国科学家们的创新成就,不仅塑造着中国的未来,更塑造着全人类的未来。 纪录片《超凡未来:你不了解的中国科学故事》由中国外文局解读中国工作室出品,两次获得在英国享有盛誉的空间科学奖“亚瑟·克拉克爵士奖”以及英国电影电视艺术学院奖和艾美奖提名的英国导演克里斯托弗·莱利执导。这部贴近时事的纪录片,不但以全新手法讲述了欧阳自远、潘建伟、蒲慕明、王贻芳等数十位中国一流科学家的创新成就,也带大家倾听中国科技创新造福人类的精彩故事。中国科学家们的故事,也是我们的故事,欢迎来到属于东方科学家的崭新时代。

    2023-10-26 16:00

  • bright cinema

    the film is a heart-warming documentary that sheds light on the innovative initiative of bright cinema, a project focused on making movies accessible to the visually impaired. through the stories of wang zheng, zhou tong, and the bright cinema team, the documentary explores the challenges and triumphs of the visually impaired community. it captures their experiences at beijing chaoyang park, beijing school for the blind, and communication university, highlighting their interactions, dreams, and aspirations. wang zheng's journey from being a curious blind child to visiting the bright cinema production studio showcases the positive impact of the project. the film also offers insight into the daily lives of blind individuals, their use of technology, and the support they receive from their families and communities. as "bright cinema" works to break down barriers, the documentary inspires hope and emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in the world of cinema. through candid interviews, powerful visuals, and a touching narrative, the film celebrates the dedication of the bright cinema team and the transformative potential of accessible films for the visually impaired.

    2023-10-20 10:03

  • her islands

    the three generations of the meng family are all women. the matriarch, qiao haiyun, has three daughters. her eldest daughter, meng mingwei, who is not her biological child, shares a strained relationship with her daughter, li yijin. after a tumultuous struggle, they eventually manage to sustain this parental bond. meng wanqing, the second daughter, and her scholarly daughter, tao shuna, seem to be the epitome of a perfect mother-daughter relationship. however, as time goes on, they gradually discover each other’s secrets. as for the youngest, meng yi’an, though mirroring her mother with her dominant and independent nature, was determined to forge her own path, avoiding the fate of becoming a formidable woman like her mother. like a cluster of islands, the women of the meng family may be geographically apart, but they never forget to protect and support one another.

    2023-10-18 13:16
