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princess doremi3

princess doremi3

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    girl theme

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brief introduction

“princess doremi 3” features 7 princesses born from fairy tales, and they are all super girls with typical personalities and cultural backgrounds! they are the princess doremi from the music country, princess solina from the mountain forest country, princess misty from the field country, princess reba from the ocean country, princess febe from the mystery garden, princess lani from the giant vine country, and princess silvia from the warrior city. the princesses are the guardians of the future world, and before they reach adulthood, they will be sent to paradise island to study and live. the princesses will use their abilities and the musical energy of amilia to live in harmony with the various elves and creatures on the island and help everyone solve problems. “princess doremi 3” starts from the characteristics of children's social and emotional development, and helps children build personal and social awareness, and learn self-management and social relationship skills. each episode will involve a fun party or event where everyone sings their hearts along with the musical princess doremi, and ends the story with a joyous “princess song”. children will enjoy social activities and festival culture through music.

video display
  • 01:15

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