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stories of dunhuang

stories of dunhuang

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brief introduction

stories of dunhuang and intriguing chinese idioms produced by cctv animation group display the unique charms of chinese culture, and present its significance in the era as an important part of the diverse global cultural exchange. the depth of the stories as well as the artistic expressions help spread the rich connotations of chinese culture to other countries and make them cognized and cherished by audience from around the world. stories of dunhuang takes place in dunhuang, and displays the communications and fusion of different cultures. through animation, intriguing chinese idioms reinterprets ancient chinese idioms with brand new explanations, inheriting the traditional culture while giving them new meanings from the perspective of modern education. through those animation works, we picture a vivid and comprehensive image of china, present to the world the inner charms of chinese culture, and lead global audience to deeply explore the vast and profound culture of china.

video display
  • 00:23

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