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"panda" series

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brief introduction

"panda ho-ho" is the first chinese animation ambassador of cultural communication, who reflects the national personalities and cultural values of kindness, lenience and humility, and is loved by children from around the world. cctv animation group has produced multiple animation works with panda as the protagonist featuring the chinese animation star "panda ho-ho" filled with characteristics of chinese traditional culture and renowned classic animation characters from cooperating countries. up to now, we have successfully produced china-czech republic co-production panda and little mole, china-russia co-production panda and krash, china-new zealand co-production panda and kiwi, china-south africa co-production panda and springbok, china-portugal co-production panda and rooster, etc. in these works, "panda ho-ho" joins hands with animation characters from a variety of countries to experience adventures and challenges, during which they build deep friendship across national borders, bringing the communications and fusion of international cultures to life.

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  • 00:38

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