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bright cinema

bright cinema

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  • producer:

    china review studio

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    china review studio

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brief introduction

the film is a heart-warming documentary that sheds light on the innovative initiative of bright cinema, a project focused on making movies accessible to the visually impaired. through the stories of wang zheng, zhou tong, and the bright cinema team, the documentary explores the challenges and triumphs of the visually impaired community. it captures their experiences at beijing chaoyang park, beijing school for the blind, and communication university, highlighting their interactions, dreams, and aspirations. wang zheng's journey from being a curious blind child to visiting the bright cinema production studio showcases the positive impact of the project. the film also offers insight into the daily lives of blind individuals, their use of technology, and the support they receive from their families and communities. as "bright cinema" works to break down barriers, the documentary inspires hope and emphasizes the importance of inclusivity in the world of cinema. through candid interviews, powerful visuals, and a touching narrative, the film celebrates the dedication of the bright cinema team and the transformative potential of accessible films for the visually impaired.

video display
  • 01:00

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