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ancient china from above

ancient china from above

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  • producer:

    china intercontinental communications centre national geographic

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright party:

    china intercontinental communications centre national geographic

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  • production time:


  • the total length:

    45 mins * 2 episodes

  • episode:

    2 episodes

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brief introduction

archaeologist sam willis and his crack team of experts use high-tech drones, lasers and satellite data to investigate ancient china’s extraordinary ancient past from above. exploring iconic sites, amazing treasures and a long lost kingdom, they make brand new discoveries, uncover hidden secrets, and solve enduring mysteries. the discovery of an extraordinary treasure of bronze and gold, has revealed a long lost kingdom, sanxingdui. now, archaeologist sam willis and his team of experts use cutting edge laser drone technology for the first time to explore the mysterious civilisation that is transforming everything we know about the origins of ancient china. guarded by the terracotta warriors, the tomb of the first emperor is so revered that it has never been opened. but now, for the first time ever, sam willis and his team of experts use new laser drone technology to investigate. what they reveal has never been seen before, and it provides new insight into what lies inside the tomb itself, as they piece together the emperor’s vast mausoleum – an entire, stunning city of the dead.

video display
  • 02:22

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