

尊龙凯时网址-尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口programs and shows>program details
rainbow chicks

rainbow chicks

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  • production time:

  • the total length:

    8seasons x 26 episodes x 8 mins

  • episode:

    8seasons x 26 episodes

  • works type:

    parent & child

  • item classification:

  • language classification:

尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright services

brief introduction

this is an animated series for preschoolers that primarily tells the stories of seven rainbow-colored chicks living on cloud island and their interesting growth experiences. the primary target audience of rainbow chicks is preschoolers, incorporating three main elements: "music guidance captivating stories".using the format of episodic drama, this program enlightens babies through innocent and simple stories, combined with plot music and child voice-overs,starting from the different personalities of the chicks. these stories are rooted in the everyday experiences of young children and inspired by their vibrant imaginations. through engaging and purposeful plot development,it conveys the concepts of friendship,sharing, and teamwork to the little ones.

video display
  • 00:36

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