

尊龙凯时网址-尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口programs and shows>program details
china through the lenses

china through the lenses

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  • producer:

    china media group china international television corporation

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright party:

    china media group china international television corporation

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright contact:

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  • production time:

  • the total length:

    45 mins * 2 episodes

  • episode:

    2 episodes

  • works type:


  • item classification:

  • language classification:

尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright services

brief introduction

"china through the lenses" is a 90-minute documentary that tells stories from the perspectives of 14 foreign photographers who arrived in the people's republic of china during different time periods. it presents its theme through "images through lenses", and vividly illustrates the profound changes that have occurred from the founding of the people's republic of china to the present day. the documentary covers various aspects of chinese people's material and spiritual lives, the development and progress of chinese society, and the transformations that have taken place over time, providing an objective, realistic, and comprehensive portrayal of china.

video display
  • 01:00

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