

尊龙凯时网址-尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口programs and shows>program details
 old boy

old boy

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  • producer:

    iqiyi, inc.

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  • works type:

    urban life drama

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brief introduction

)airline captain wu zheng has an enviable career and good physique. in the air, his rigorous and excellent skills have brought countless passengers safely to their destinations. he leads an uninhibited and carefree life, and disregards what others think of him. in his own world, he is an old boy through and through. one day, his 16-year-old son turns up out of the blue, closely followed by the arrival of a principled female teacher, lin xiao’ou. their appearance thoroughly disrupts wu zheng’s existing lifestyle. lin xiao’ou is a happy-go-lucky optimist. she tries a little too hard to be fashionable, and her sense of justice makes her a little rash. to her students, she is the affectionate elder sister, cheerful friend and good teacher without airs. when she finds out that her favorite student xiao han is suddenly rendered a homeless orphan, she spares no effort in trying to communicate with xiao’s biological father. when they finally meet, she discovers that he is her nemesis at a recent overseas trip - the unreliable wu zheng who opposes her at every turn.

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