

尊龙凯时网址-尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口programs and shows>program details
ride on the wind

ride on the wind
ride on the wind

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  • producer:

    beijing film academy,animation school

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright party:

    beijing film academy,animation school

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright contact:

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brief introduction

this film is about the story of an old man who insistently took care of his wife, a paralytic old woman. as her illness increasingly aggravated, finally she couldn’t walk at all. one day, the old woman saw a butterfly flying over their yard. she yearned for its freedom while she was helpless. the old man found that and in order to make his wife happy, he decided to make a butterfly shaped kite and fly the kite with her in a special way. this film is full of warmth and hope for all those who yearn for freedom.

video display
  • 02:26

  • still photo display