

尊龙凯时网址-尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口programs and shows>program details
changshan islands

changshan islands

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  • producer:

    shandong radio and television

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright party:

    shandong radio and television

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  • production time:

  • the total length:

    3 episodes * 40 mins

  • episode:

    3 eps

  • works type:


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brief introduction

this documentary is china’s first panorama of islands that focuses on marine ecological civilisation. by grasping the transformation and changes of the changshan islands in recent years with rich pictures, details, and stories, the documentary presents to the audience stunning shots of the peaceful cohabitation of man and nature. the documentary changshan islands is composed of three episodes: pearls of the sea, farming the sea, and infinite sky and sea. in three different ways—from the perspectives of creatures, homes, and new life—it depicts the nature, the living, and the path to the future of the islands. in recent years, the changshan islands have gone through the biggest and most significant ecological changes in their whole history of development. therefore, the film, by documenting the quest and innovation of the changshan islands, serves as a window to preserve and present a significant chapter in the development of china’s marine ecological civilisation.

video display
  • 01:40

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