

尊龙凯时网址-尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口programs and shows>program details
tiny little gods

tiny little gods

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  • producer:

    hangzhou tonghe chenguang cultural media co., ltd

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright party:

    hangzhou tonghe chenguang cultural media co., ltd

  • 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright contact:

    kelin jiang

  • tel :

    log in to view

  • production time:

  • the total length:

    10 minutes/episode, 520 minutes in total

  • episode:

    52 episodes

  • works type:


  • item classification:

  • language classification:

尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright services

brief introduction

the xiaode xianxian garden in tiangong is the place where the young immortals go to kindergarten, and taibai venus is the director of the youxian garden. xiaolong konkong, qinglong dongfang, xiaohu noisy, xiaoque boling and xiaogui afu study, play and grow together in the youxian garden. the director of taibai will bring out various magic weapons to let children know how everything in nature is formed, and let them experience various life skills, learn to know themselves, express themselves, and protect themselves. the head of taibai kindergarten likes to praise children. he is gentle and likes to laugh. he always satisfies children's strange ideas. bruce lee is empty, positive and inquisitive; qinglong oriental is intelligent and calm, and is a small encyclopedia of knowledge in the park; little tiger is noisy, simple and dumb, and likes to eat hard; xiaoque boling loves beauty, likes to laugh, likes to clean, likes to read in pieces; the little turtle, ah fu, is timid and slow to respond. he likes sleeping. the content of tiny little gods mainly involves cognitive, popular science and tang poetry. each episode contains a knowledge point or value, so that children can learn to share, waste, love creativity, refuse to waste, etc., and teach children the knowledge points of tang poetry that they recite in the way of fun and practice.

video display
  • 00:44

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