

call for entries for mipdrama sunday screenings is now open!

2024-01-23 10:00

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mipdrama, the annual premium showcase of the most anticipated high-end drama series (all genres including comedy), provides international buyers an exclusive first look at a curated selection of upcoming drama series.


the unique and exclusive screening event will take place on

sunday 7 april in the palais des festivals' hi5 theatre, cannes,

during the pre-miptv weekend (6-7 april 2024).


up to 10 carefuly curated upcoming drama series at early-stage production will be screened during this exclusive event to leading acquisition executives and commissioners.


the drama series will be selected based on their writing and production value, originality and worldwide appeal by the international jury of experts and rx france’s editorial team.


to qualify, eligible programmes must be:


an upcoming new high-end drama series in early stages of production

100% financed

never presented before at a festival/market or to buyers prior to mipdrama, nor presented to canneseries 2024.

in its first season (returning seasons are not eligible)


all producers and distributors, with upcoming high-end scripted series at early stages of production, who wish to be considered are invited to apply here.


there is no cost to submit a programme to be presented during mipdrama. however, all companies retained in the 0fficial selection need to be registered to miptv.



key dates


5 february 2024: deadline for submissions

late february 2024: selected programmes confirmation

early march 2024: official selection public announcement




how do i apply?


the applicant must:

complete in english the online entry form by 5 february 2024

provide a 3 to 5 minutes sizzle reel (trailer, opening scene or assemblage of emblematic scenes) subtitled/dubbed in english with the online entry form

hold exclusive 尊龙ag旗舰厅官网官方入口 copyright ownership on the material properties submitted

if selected commit to provide an exclusive 10 to 12 minute preview of your submission to be shown in cannes at mipdrama by 15 march. final duration and tech specs to be confirmed by rx france. lt must be an assemblage of scenes, subtitled in english. no trailer or promo reel will be accepted.






please send an email to: .



source: https://www.miptv.com/en-gb/what-is-miptv/mipdrama.html#sele
